Category: Conditions

5 things that are helping us through a miscarriage

In March 2023, I had a miscarriage when I was 10.5 weeks pregnant. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and loving family, two healthy sons, and supportive friends, though I still grieve at times. I share what is helping us below, in the hope of he…

Biological weapons: a history and emerging risks

Biological weapons are not new. Their use by armies has taken place for centuries. Take the Plague, for example. The pandemic was reportedly first introduced to Europe during the siege of the Genoese trading port of Kaffa in Crimea by the Golden Horde …

What is intersex? What do you know about your patient’s sexual development?

I don’t know about you, but I learned very little about variations in sexual development during my medical education over a decade ago. Commonly presented topics were usually of a genetic nature—this person has XXY or XO chromosomes and the &#822…

Unveiling a journey marked by talents and turmoil

His 5-year-old daughter asked her mom, “Today is daddy’s birthday. Can we have a picnic at his grave?” Bryan was 49 years old. He could really do anything. He could do renovations, carpentry, electrical work, play music, be a father a…

Balancing health care worker immunization and patient safety

Recently, I heard a news report regarding several states’ attorneys general suing the federal government to eliminate the requirement that health care providers be immunized against COVID. They argued that as fully immunized individuals still con…

Empowering health care professionals: the art of saying “no” and more

Setting limits, asking for help, delegating, or even saying “no” are important assertiveness skills. Health care professionals should be proficient in assertiveness because of the potential impact on patient safety, patient experience, work…

Unveiling alcohol’s health paradox: heart benefits and detrimental effects

Tons of ink have been expended on the health effects, both positive and negative, of alcohol consumption. Beneficial effects on the heart were discussed in the 1990s based on the “French paradox.” A paper published in 1995 noted that there …

Rising longevity and cognitive health: Navigating dementia and treatment

The comedian George Burns once quipped, “By the time you’re eighty years old, you’ve learned everything. You only have to remember it.” With the average life expectancy in the United States up from 54 a century ago to 74 today, …

Is a PSA test right for me? A urologist answers.

“Should I get a PSA?” It depends. Who is asking, and why? If the question is being asked by a 45-year-old man, the answer is going to be different than if it’s being asked by a 75-year-old. If a primary care clinician is asking, he/sh…

Caring for the cognitively declined individual

An excerpt from A Caregiver’s Love Story. My husband was diagnosed with cognitive decline in the last three years of his life. I was desperate for understanding and help and referred to the following source. Here are ten tips for communicating wi…