Chances are, you or someone you know has fallen victim to medical gaslighting at some point, especially as we see an increase in this unfortunate practice in today’s modern health care system. Maybe you have experienced medical gaslighting withou…
The FDA approval of Zurzuvae (zuranolone), the first oral medication, has offered new hope to mothers who have exhausted all other treatment options to cope with their postpartum depression. This is a milestone in recognizing the maternal mental health…
Let me describe what it’s like to operate in a potentially disastrous situation. Notwithstanding having one’s faculties and wits gathered and finely honed, being as in command of yourself as you can possibly be, it may test and demand every…
At a recent scientific conference on narcotics, a researcher mused, “Honestly, opioids make me feel gross. I don’t see how anyone could get addicted.” This is a little like a doctor in the delivery end of a needle saying, “Hones…
Not only is it kickoff time for college football season, but it’s also prime time for fall allergies. For the 50 million Americans who suffer from ragweed allergy, the late summer and early fall signal the onset of runny noses, sneezing, congesti…
In March 2023, I had a miscarriage when I was 10.5 weeks pregnant. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and loving family, two healthy sons, and supportive friends, though I still grieve at times. I share what is helping us below, in the hope of he…
Biological weapons are not new. Their use by armies has taken place for centuries. Take the Plague, for example. The pandemic was reportedly first introduced to Europe during the siege of the Genoese trading port of Kaffa in Crimea by the Golden Horde …
I don’t know about you, but I learned very little about variations in sexual development during my medical education over a decade ago. Commonly presented topics were usually of a genetic nature—this person has XXY or XO chromosomes and the ̶…
His 5-year-old daughter asked her mom, “Today is daddy’s birthday. Can we have a picnic at his grave?” Bryan was 49 years old. He could really do anything. He could do renovations, carpentry, electrical work, play music, be a father a…
Recently, I heard a news report regarding several states’ attorneys general suing the federal government to eliminate the requirement that health care providers be immunized against COVID. They argued that as fully immunized individuals still con…