For decades, we’ve been talking about important reforms to the U.S. healthcare system as a whole – including aligning price and value of all healthcare services (not just prescription drugs) and reducing patient out-of-pocket costs – with very few conc…
Although it is the dominant strain in the country, XBB.1.5 has hit the Northeast the hardest, with around 75% of cases in the region caused by XBB.1.5.
It takes over a decade and over $2 Billion to discover and develop a new drug and the process fails over 90% of the time. Biotechnology is one of the areas where China and US must collaborate and not compete for the benefit of the patients around the w…
SARS-CoV-2 is a master of deception, capable of evading and suppressing our immune system in multiple ways. New research describes a previously unknown strategy: mimicry of histone proteins, which help regulate gene expression.
Despite explosive growth in recent decades, scientific developments have become more incremental and less disruptive, with technological progress stalling, researchers found.
Women recognize that, when it comes to healthcare, they are different from men. They are developing products and services to address these differences, and investors are taking note.