Category: healthcare

England On Track To Eliminate Hepatitis C Years Ahead Of Schedule

England could become the first country to eliminate a serious liver disease thanks to a major drug deal and targeted screening, officials say.

African Morgue Data Reveals A More Significant Covid-19 Death Toll Than Official Reporting

A new study led by Boston University School of Public Health researchers suggests that the reported Covid-19 death toll in Africa is substantially higher than official records indicate.

How Recently Approved Tocilizumab Treats Covid-19

The FDA recently approved the drug Tocilizumab for use in hospitalized adults with severe Covid. Here we take a closer look at the data behind the approval.

More Evidence That Covid-19 Vaccines Are Effective For People With Blood Cancer

People with blood cancer don’t always produce antibodies after Covid-19 vaccines, but another type of immune cell seems to compensate.

Meet The Entrepreneur Helping Women In Chemo Keep Their Hair

Kate Dilligan spent $8,000 to save her hair during cancer treatments, then spent another $40,000 to see if there was a better way. There was.

Measles Outbreak In Ohio, 82 Children Infected, 32 Hospitalized, Most Unvaccinated

74 of the kids that have been infected never got the measles vaccine, four had received only one of the two doses needed to be fully vaccinated, and the vaccination status of the remaining four is currently unknown.

The Mayo Clinic Is Partnering With An Augmented Reality Company To Transform Healthcare Delivery

VR and AR technology is expected to revolutionize healthcare delivery.

CMS Has The Clout To Significantly Improve Health Care Delivery, But Fearing Political And Legal Backlash Has Settled Instead For Band-Aids

There are a lot of sheriffs in the wild, wild west of healthcare delivery, all digging in to protect their own interests. Getting to a new value-based model will require hard work and introspection from all stakeholders to fundamentally change the way …

President Biden Signed A $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill; Here’s What It Means For Your Healthcare

Just in time to avoid a government shutdown, Congress passed and President Biden signed a $1.7 trillion spending bill. Here are key healthcare priorities.

Should Virtual Therapists Come With A Health Warning?

Growth in demand for mental health services has coincided with severe supply shortages. Can AI-based chatbots step into the void?