Every year, over 4 million deaths are associated with high levels of air pollution — particularly in developing countries where there is a severe dearth of air quality data.
Robert Malone, MD, MSc, who’s made a lot of questionable Covid-19 vaccine claims during the pandemic, asserted that people are being coerced to get the annual flu vaccine in order to “maintain warm base manufacturing in case something like 1918 ever ha…
In a new study, researchers found that autistic women are far more susceptible to hospitalization than their male counterparts due to depression, anxiety, and self-harm, among nine other psychiatric conditions.
Though RSV infections typically cause mild cold-like symptoms and go away on their own after a few weeks, the virus is potentially lethal for very young children and it is one of the world’s biggest infant killers.
Multiple efforts are under way across the U.S. military to develop wearable technology to protect soldiers, gauge their physical condition in real time and make them fitter and more lethal.
In a new study published in the journal Current Biology, researchers based in Switzerland made a potential breakthrough that might help in reducing the frequency of nightmares.