Mucosal vaccines have been a source of a lot of excitement in recent years. How are they different from your usual flu vaccine, and are they more effective?
Child mental health startup Little Otter announced its acquisition of Little Renegade, a children’s mindfulness company, and the launch of its new Back-to-School Toolbox.
This summer, the Massachusetts House and Senate passed legislation aimed at curbing the use of step therapy. Yet the House and Senate couldn’t agree on an item in the bill. Despite failing to go through, patient advocates are still hopeful a bill can g…
School age children in England are taking fewer drugs, drinking less alcohol and smoking fewer cigarettes than they were four years ago, a national survey shows.
The question of whether Amazon can meaningfully impact healthcare costs, quality and patient experience misses the more important questions: who else is also innovating in primary care, what are the different approaches, and which ones are most likely …
We do, however, have our own dangerous creature: the leviathan that is the U.S. healthcare system. Currently accounting for 20% of our GDP, our healthcare system’s appetite has proven insatiable. And for all that it consumes, what is excreted from the …