Category: healthcare

Google Searches For Extreme Weather Events Peaked This Summer As U.S. Battled Floods And Heatwaves

As various parts of the U.S. reported record high temperatures this summer, search interest in heatwaves and droughts surged to all-time peaks.

Dems’ Reconciliation Package Obscures Obamacare’s Failures With Taxpayer Cash

Democrats have shown they will use any crisis to cover up Obamacare’s failures and protect their electoral fortunes.

Monkeypox: Here’s How Colleges Are Preparing For Possible Outbreaks As Students Return

Schools told Forbes they were training staff to recognize and test for monkeypox on campus, developing online resources, emailing students and staff to raise awareness about the disease and promoting safer sex among students.

Curing Cancer Takes A Global Village: Cancer Moonshot Pathways

Expanding international participation in drug trials will bring treatments to patients faster, BeiGene CEO John. V. Oyler says

Covid mRNA Vaccines Safe For Pregnant People, New Study Reinforces

Pregnant women actually experienced fewer health problems after getting vaccinated compared to non-pregnant women of the same age, a new study published in the Lancet found.

CDC Loosens Covid Guidelines—And Drops Quarantines After Exposure

The CDC says its new, looser guidelines were driven by a reduced risk of Covid-19 and a desire to “limit social and economic impacts.”

Iowa Could Outlaw Abortion As Governor Asks Court To Let 6-Week Ban Take Effect

The Iowa Supreme Court overturned its precedent protecting abortion rights in June, paving the way for the ban to go back into effect.

Health Care Service Corp. To Buy Trustmark Health Benefits, Adding To Blue Cross Portfolio

Health Care Service Corporation, the parent of Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans in five states said it is buying Trustmark Health Benefits, a third party health plan administrator, for an undisclosed amount.

Monkeypox On Campus: Summer Cases Spotted, Schools Slow To React

This fall, universities will face another potential threat to public health on campus — but now, they can draw on their experience tackling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Advanced Technology (CRISPR) Shows That Mucus Is Your Body’s First Line Of Defense Against Viruses

Using CRISPR technology, scientists at U.C. Berkeley have discovered a naturally occurring protein in the lungs that may have the ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infections.