Category: healthcare

6.2 Million U.S. Children Suffered Traumatic Brain Injuries From Sports Equipment From 2000 To 2019, With A Higher Increase Among Girls, Study Finds

Emergency department visits for traumatic brain injuries associated with consumer products, largely from sports equipment, peaked for boys in 2012, but continued to rise for girls.

CDC Issues Parechovirus Alert, Here’s How PeV Can Be Dangerous To Infants

This virus has the potential of causing life-threatening sepsis-like illness or neurological problems such as seizures, meningitis or meningoencephalitis in infants.

InnovationRx: Healthtech Funding Halftime Report; Plus, Novavax Vaccine EUA

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FDA Authorizes Novavax’s Covid-19 Vaccine For Adults

Officials hope the protein-based vaccine will appeal to the nearly 22% of Americans who have not received a single dose of a Covid-19 inoculation.

More Danger Ahead With BA.5: Covid-19 Reinfection Doubles The Risk For Death, Blood Clots, And Lung Damage

A recent preprint concludes that two or more Covid-19 reinfections double the risk for death, blood clots, and lung damage among other negative health outcomes, demonstrating the clear and present danger of reinfection.

Pasteur Institute Scientists Discover SARS-CoV-2 Broadly-Neutralizing Antibody

Here we examine a new monoclonal antibody candidate that neutralizes Omicron BA.1 and BA.2, as well as all variants that came before.

Direct Healthcare Startup Nomi Health Expands With Two New Acquisitions

To expand its efforts to cut out healthcare middlemen and unnecessary costs, Nomi Health has acquired Everyone Health and Sano Surgery in a deal worth $26.5 million.

How Wildfires Impact Our Health, As Well As The Environment

Recent research by the American Lung Association found that smoke from large fires can spread over hundreds or thousands of miles, polluting the air.

It Costs Nearly $20,000 To Have A Baby In The U.S., Study Finds

Pregnant women face almost $3,000 in out-of-pocket expenses compared to women the same age who did not give birth.

AI Startup Speeds Healthcare Innovations To Save Lives

Faster synthesis and analysis of healthcare data get medical innovations to market faster. By harnessing AI, big data, machine learning, and predictive analytics, this startup is doing just that for medical device and pharmaceutical companies.