U.S. employers aren’t sold on Coronavirus antibody tests for their workers as the country prepares to re-open for business amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a Mercer benefits survey showed.
The National Women’s Health Network, in coalition with other organizations, has urged the FDA to make the abortion pill available for people to access where they’ll be having the abortion—at home. The global pandemic doesn’t change the fact that people…
Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s update on Sunday sowed confusion and concern among unions, teachers and workers, but the government says it will clarify its plans on Monday.
COVID19 is providing that change in US healthcare delivery doesn’t need to be slow. How can we come out of this crisis with a heightened sense of urgency to transform the industry?
Granted, being sexually active is pretty far from most people’s minds if they have an active illness due to COVID-19, but nevertheless, recovery may bring some interest in returning to a sex life, especially given quarantine status remaining in place i…