Category: obamacare plans

Colorado Option’s Big Test: Open Enrollment

Critics were ready to bury the state’s new health insurance plans, based on a public option, when 2023 rate hikes were announced, but officials are confident people will be drawn to the plans’ benefits.

California Aims to Maximize Health Insurance Subsidies for Workers During Labor Disputes

Workers who lose employer-based health coverage during a strike or lockout will have access to a full-subsidy plan through Covered California.

Open Enrollment for Marketplace Health Plans Is Soon. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Consumers may find relief in some key changes made by Congress and the Biden administration, although other issues remain unsettled.

Court Ruling May Spur Competitive Health Plans to Bring Back Copays for Preventive Services

The Affordable Care Act required that health insurers provide many medical screenings and prevention services at no out-of-pocket cost to health plan members. But insurers and employers may consider adding cost sharing for preventive services now that a federal court ruled the ACA’s mandate is unconstitutional.

Many Preventive Medical Services Cost Patients Nothing. Will a Texas Court Decision Change That?

A federal judge in Texas issued a decision this week that affects the Affordable Care Act. It says one way that preventive services are selected for no-cost coverage is unconstitutional.

Democrats Didn’t Achieve All Their Goals, but Inflation Reduction Act Makes Historic Medicare Changes

The legislation, which the House is expected to pass Friday, would allow the federal government, for the first time, to negotiate the price of some drugs that Medicare buys. It also would extend the enhanced subsidies for people who buy insurance on the Affordable Care Act marketplaces.

Big Pharma Went All In to Kill Drug Pricing Negotiations

For more than a century, the drug industry has issued dire warnings of plunging innovation whenever regulation reared its head. In general, the threat hasn’t materialized.

Ad Targeting Manchin and AARP Mischaracterizes Medicare Drug-Price Negotiations

The advocacy group American Commitment said empowering Medicare to negotiate drug prices would raid it of billions of dollars. Drug pricing experts say that that’s not the case and that such policies would instead reduce costs for the Medicare program and seniors.

Three Things to Know About Insurance Coverage for Abortion

Even before the Supreme Court struck down the constitutional right to abortion, insurance coverage for the service varied widely. Now it’s become even more complex, with additional changes and court challenges to come.

‘Free’ Screening? Know Your Rights to Get No-Cost Care

Even a decade in, the Affordable Care Act’s recommendations to simply cover preventive screening and care without cost sharing remain confusing and complex.