Category: Pediatrics

Physician burnout and a big career change

Physician burnout continues to increase as we enter into year three of the COVID-19 pandemic. In August 2021, the Physicians Foundation reported data from a survey of 2,504 physicians conducted from May 26-June 9, 2021. In this survey, 61 percent of ph…

It’s time to flip the script on peer evaluations

I just received my peer evaluation from work. And I’m gonna admit: I was nervous. “Yikes.” I cringed when I saw it in my inbox. Would my colleagues call me out for not being as sharp, fast, or adept as them? Would they fault me becaus…

Pause for a moment to feel your energy

When was the last time you paused for a moment to feel your energy? I mean, really get in touch with the energy you hold inside your being? Could it be as physicians, we have gotten so used to that stressful feeling or that drained feeling at the end o…

Kids are not OK: Health care is failing them [PODCAST]

“Our children are not OK. Our pediatricians are not OK. Please, let us not further ignore and jeopardize the future health of our society. Pediatrics needs a transformational change to direct primary care and other models that transition from tra…

When the government comes for your trans kid 

Even before I turned 16, I knew I liked girls. I also knew I liked boys. I didn’t understand it. Why was I drawn to women? During that period of my life (between 11 and 16 years of age), I was also in a boarding school. An all-girl boarding schoo…

Let it go: A pediatrician reflects after a difficult conversation

I walk into the patient room, “Hello, I’m Dr. Seabury. What can we do for you today?” As soon as I see the unbundled child, I know there is a problem. I examine the patient fully. Carefully. The conversation that comes next is a chall…

Let it go: A pediatrician reflects after a difficult conversation

I walk into the patient room, “Hello, I’m Dr. Seabury. What can we do for you today?” As soon as I see the unbundled child, I know there is a problem. I examine the patient fully. Carefully. The conversation that comes next is a chall…

Why we should celebrate the Great Resignation [PODCAST]

“I see lamenting the Great Resignation. I celebrate it. It’s not so much about what people are leaving – but where are they going? What have they empowered themselves to become? The thought, ‘There has to be something more,’ has been …

Support groups are life-changing for many patients

“Gimme five,” the TV doctor said to his little patient as he entered the exam room. As I watched this scene in an evening TV program, I was reminded of one of my pediatric practice’s most gratifying stories, which happened over 20 yea…

Multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children: a pediatric hospitalist’s conversation

Them: “I have never heard of this.” Me: “That’s OK, let me explain what is going on. Your child has a condition called multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children, which we call MIS-C. We see this condition after a COVID infe…