Category: Policy

An Infectious Disease Doctor Explains Why Coronavirus Cases Are Skyrocketing

Dr. Mark Kortepeter, who’s been involved in combating multiple epidemics, explains why Covid-19 cases are on the rise in the United States.

Immigrant women are essential: Sociocultural factors clinicians should know during times of crisis

Across the globe, the month of March became a turning point for the COVID-19 pandemic. Amidst daily clinical updates, dramatic increase in cases, and rapid policy changes, International Women’s Day – an observance that allows gender equality to t…

Educational curricula, policies, and parenting that support anti-racism beginning in pre-school

Every day since George Floyd’s death, I have read to my five-year-old, brown-skinned boy about reasons to love his skin. After reading a book that explained how black and brown-skinned people are not always treated fairly, he asked, “Does that mean whi…

Refining the role of police in our society

In the wake of George Floyd’s death and the rush of similar stories from around the country, many have called to “defund the police.” While critics paint this as a reactionary response to high-profile incidents, the phrase deserves deeper consideration…

Who should be the first responders to mental health crises?

First and foremost, a mental health crisis is a medical emergency well within the sector of public health. Therefore, the question of who should respond to mental health emergencies is one in which physicians and all medical providers should have a say…

Defeating The Coronavirus Pandemic Requires Our Leaders To Show Courage And Build Trust

Health policy expert Anand Parekh explains why bold and clear leadership from both sides of the aisle is needed in order to defeat the Covid-19 pandemic.

What ever happened to forgiveness?

“I used to shoot people like you,” the patient said to me. He was one scary Vietnam vet, and I was one scared second-year resident.  Though not Vietnamese, I figured correcting him wouldn’t matter.  As an Asian American (Chinese on my dad’s side, Japan…

15 commandments for teaching your kids about racism

1. Thou shalt first become comfortable with having uncomfortable conversations with thyself, before ever trying to have them with any other person. At this point in our earthly lives, we must — as a matter of urgency — get into that space of vulnerabil…

The U.S. Military’s Second Coronavirus Wave May Be A Tsunami

DOD’s second wave of infection has already surpassed the peak of the first wave. Although DOD’s level of infection is still relatively low, the number of new cases needs to level off soon before the infection gets out of control.

Pence Says Increased Testing ‘In Part’ Responsible For Coronavirus Spikes—Public Health Experts Disagree

Pence doubled down on an argument health experts refuted days earlier.