Category: Policy

Systemic Racism Makes Covid-19 Much More Deadly For African-Americans

A long and well-documented history of systematic discrimination against Black people regularly leads to worse underlying health conditions for African-Americans that make it more likely they become severely ill during this pandemic and die from the dis…

Ohio Lawmaker Implies That Hygiene May Be Reason Black Americans Have Higher Covid-19 Rates, Here Is The Backlash

Here is what Ohio state Senator Stephen Huffman (R) asked during a hearing about a bill that would declare racism a public health crisis in Ohio.

How NEJM’s ethical recommendations on the fair allocation of scarce medical resources perpetuate inequity

This past March, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published six ethical recommendations to guide the allocation of scarce medical resources during COVID-19. In their second recommendation, they stated that “critical COVID-19 interventions — t…

I can’t breathe: an anesthesiologist’s perspective

I can’t breathe. These words cut to the core of all humans, and shock anesthesiologists. We are trained to continuously listen to and think about breathing. We coach our patients: Take a deep breath! Yes! And another one! We watch our patients’ chests …

Big Midwest Health Systems Advocate Aurora And Beaumont Explore Merger

Two of the largest hospital operators in the Midwest — Advocate Aurora Health and Beaumont Health — are “exploring a potential partnership,” the companies disclosed.

Trump Mentions AIDS Vaccine That Does Not Exist, Predicts Covid-19 Vaccine By End Of 2020

U.S. President Donald Trump said, “They’ve come up with the AIDS vaccine.” There’s one major problem with that statement.

Medical students have the responsibility to correct racial inequities

Before I walked hospital hallways as a medical student, I walked high school hallways as a science teacher in Houston’s 5th Ward.  Each year, the most difficult time for me was graduation. The pride of watching my students, most African American, achie…

Pennsylvania GOP Lawmakers Incensed Over Coronavirus Response Seek To Impeach Governor

Five articles of impeachment were introduced against Gov. Tom Wolf on Tuesday.

The U.S. Government’s Push For Coronavirus Vaccine ‘Warp Speed’ Faces Potential Black Hole Of Red Tape And Universe Of Unknowns

Dr. Stephen Thomas, who helped develop vaccine candidates for diseases such as Ebola, Zika and MERS, discusses the challenges involved in accelerating development during a pandemic.

Experts Are Now Questioning The Inevitability Of A Second Wave Of Coronavirus

As the reopening process begins globally, the possibility of a “second wave” of infections is being questioned.