Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget resolution could usher in the most radical changes to our healthcare system in decades and move the country toward a government-run, single-payer system.
Despite the bright pink walls of its exterior, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility stands inconspicuously, set back along a stretch of a frequently traveled road. We had come to meet Carla (identifying information changed), a detaine…
In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to uphold its current Communist government. Opposed to the foreign invasion of their country, many rebel groups, collectively known as the Mujahideen, rose up in arms to fight the Soviets. Since it was the …
Dr. Joshua Liao discusses how framing can be used to combat over-optimism about vaccination, which contributed to premature decisions to drop masking and social distancing requirements and public confusion.
Chinese online healthcare stocks plunged more than 10% after a state-run newspaper called for greater supervision of prescription drugs sold on the internet, sparking fears that the government is preparing to introduce new regulations.
The majority of private health insurers are no longer waiving out-of-pocket costs for Covid-19 treatment and are passing these back to patients, according to research by KFF, and almost no provider will still be eating the cost by the end of the year.
Hospitals could be without tocilizumab, one of the only therapies for Covid-19 patients cleared for use in the U.S., for weeks and the World Health Organization urged maker Roche to ensure it is distributed fairly around the world.