Category: Policy

How can we decrease maternal mortality for Black reproductive-aged people?

The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) signed into law by President Biden on March 11 provides direct relief to those impacted by COVID-19. Additionally, it could benefit low-income pregnant and postpartum individuals. The ARPA includes prov…

The legend of the “oatmeal law”

During my psychiatric residency, I had the good fortune to train with a number of public and administrative psychiatrists. These individuals focused their attention on the care of the severely ill and the underserved and understood the systems of care …

This didn’t happen every day in a small town ER

An excerpt from The Hospital: Life, Death, and Dollars in a Small American Town. Marc Tingle and his daughter, Summer, stood in a bathroom they were tearing apart over in Fayette in Fulton County. They had a problem: taking a cast-iron bathtub out of a…

Paid parental leave is long overdue

Recently, President Biden introduced legislation that would provide federal funding for paid parental leave for all parents for up to 12 weeks. As a pediatrician and hopeful soon-to-be parent, I am ecstatic. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has…

A step forward: a way to advance the mental health of health care professionals

On April 26, 2020, the nation was shocked by the suicide of Dr. Lorna Breen, a New York City emergency physician who was recovering from COVID-19 in Virginia. Dr. Breen is one of an unknown number of health care professionals who have experienced menta…

A secret for my $40,000 health care bills

On Twitter @jpegjoshua recently posted about a staggering health care bill for going to the hospital for a life-threatening condition and then receiving an outrageous statement, which reminded me of a similar story that I had. I also received a bill fo…

Health care as an uncommon good

American medicine is facing an identity crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic brought renewed attention to socioeconomic health disparities and turned up the heat on the question of whether health care is a right or a privilege. The financial strain on hospita…

If Herd Immunity Is Your Plan To Beat Covid, You Need A Plan B

Dr. Stephen Thomas, Chief of Infectious Diseases at SUNY Upstate Medical University, discusses the challenges involved in reaching herd immunity from Covid-19.

AstraZeneca Reportedly Faces Being Sued By The European Union Over A Covid Vaccine Delivery Shortfall

AstraZeneca’s failure to deliver on agreed vaccine quotas seriously hampered the EU’s vaccine rollout.

EU Warns Of ‘Possible Link’ Between Johnson & Johnson Vaccine And Blood Clots—But Says Benefits Still Outweigh Risks

The U.S. FDA and CDC suspended the shot earlier this month “out of an abundance of caution.”