Amid crowds chanting “fire Fauci” at a Florida rally Sunday, Trump hinted that he would fire the country’s top infectious disease official after the election.
When it comes to using telehealth to treat patients out of state, most physicians are mindful about licensure issues. But some are not aware that if you don’t have a license to practice medicine in a given state, it isn’t just malpractice: It’s a crimi…
I’d cried all the tears I owned, so when I heard about hospital administrators serving pancakes, I walked down to the cafeteria hungry for comfort. A dear friend served me and asked if I was OK. She knew I wasn’t. She couldn’t stop to eat pancakes with…
Martine Rothblatt, creator of SiriusXM and whose company, United Therapeutics, has already saved thousands of lives from a rare disease, is working feverishly to create artificial organs, such as hearts, that could spare the lives of millions of people…
Physicians dedicate their lives to serving their patients and the communities in which they reside. We work tirelessly to educate and protect people, regardless of their background, political affiliation, immigration status, or gender. Most of us hav…
George Floyd’s murder magnified attention to police brutality and inspired collective activism leading to structural reforms and demands for abolition. His death provoked a national reckoning with the racism infecting all major American institutions, i…