Category: Policy

The medical community harms patients when they fail to engage in political advocacy

Primum non nocere, or “first, do no harm,” is a fundamental principle in the practice of medicine. Physicians vow to do as much when taking the Hippocratic Oath on their first day of medical school. But where does the buck stop?  I posit that we in the…

Should drug use be decriminalized?

During the final presidential debate, Joe Biden said that “no one should be going to jail for a drug problem, they should be going to rehabilitation,” effectively suggesting that substance use be decriminalized in the US. The war on drugs Since Preside…

Georgia Requires Signature Matching On Mail-In Ballots, But The Science Is Dubious

Thirty-one states, including Georgia, have signature matching requirements to verify absentee ballots, but it’s hard to find an objective way to do it.

Building Company Culture And Innovating The Future With Judy Faulkner

Judy Faulkner, founder and CEO of Epic Systems, which holds the medical records of more than half of all U.S. patients, discusses how increasingly accessible online patient information will be a boon for patient healthcare.

Greece Is Latest Country To Go Into Lockdown As Covid-19 Cases Spike

Greece follows France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and England as European nations battle a new wave of the pandemic.

Banning Large Public Gatherings And Closing Schools Significantly Slows Down Covid-19, Study Finds

As demonstrated by China and others, public health initiatives like school closures, public event bans, and mask mandates beat Covid-19 swiftly and effectively.

Denmark, Fearing New Vaccine-Threatening Coronavirus Strain, Orders Cull Of 17 Million Minks

The country is spending up to $785 million on the cull after struggling to contain outbreaks of Covid-19 on mink farms.

Why Early Wins Over Covid-19 Do Not Mean Victory: Canada’s Cautionary Tale

Dr. Jason Kindrachuk, an infectious disease expert, discusses how Winnipeg, Canada went from nearly containing Covid-19 to an explosion of cases over the past few weeks.

Sweden—In A Departure From The Past—Becomes Latest European Country To Announce Tighter Coronavirus Restrictions

The prime minister warned that the new rules are crucial because hospitals could become overwhelmed.

Former FDA Commissioner Warns Of ‘Grim Couple Of Months’ In U.S. With More Than 1,000 Coronavirus Deaths Per Day

He is the latest doctor to contradict the president’s more positive outlook.