Dr. Vanessa Kerry, cofounder and CEO of Seed Global Health, explains why the world needs cooperative approaches to solving the pandemic rather than isolated short-term fixes.
I recently finished my geriatric psychiatry rotation. As a medical student and aspiring psychiatrist, I had the opportunity to participate in the care of those suffering from acute psychosis, depression, bipolar disorder, depression, and more — many of…
Vote. These four letters reflect one of the most powerful actions in human history – the act of choosing who represents you and your beliefs. As an immigrant child and naturalized citizen, I was not born with the right to vote in the United States of A…
Before he was another Black man shot by police, Jacob Blake could have been my patient. In Waterbury, Connecticut, where I practice as an internist, his shooting has left me to consider the health effects of the exposure of violence on his sons, who wa…
If a core goal of our nation is to have the healthiest population possible, then we need to rethink, regroup, and restore our commitment to health practices and processes that are aligned with this mission. We are currently investing our precious socia…
Noted economist Sean Masaki Flynn reveals how Singapore provides superb universal health care at a fraction of the cost of ours by using free-market principles, and how the U.S. can do it, too.