Category: Policy

How Canadians In The USA Should Deal With Health Care And The Covid-19 Pandemic

What is the situation regarding health care for Canadians visiting the United States? What are the requirements for health care coverage and does Canadian coverage apply? The situation is complicated but laid out here.

A Look At The Democrats’ Not-So-Moderate Healthcare Platform

At their virtual convention this week, Democrats showed they are indeed unified—behind a government takeover of the health insurance market, that is. While their nominee may not explicitly endorse Medicare for All, that’s exactly what his administratio…

Fixing This Cognitive Bias Can Improve How We Treat Each Other During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Dr. Joshua Liao explains how to overcome attribution bias, which can lead to aggression and other harmful behaviors (road rage, anyone?)

Health Care In The U.S.: Are You Being Overcharged?

With patients paying more out-of-pocket costs for medical expenses than ever before, it’s high time health-care providers publicly post prices for every aspect of medical care.

Fauci Was In Surgery When New CDC Covid-19 Testing Guidelines Were Pushed—And Is ‘Concerned’ About Them

He said he is “worried it will give people the incorrect assumption that asymptomatic spread is not of great concern.”

Anxiety-Related Google Searches Reached A Record High During Early Stages Of The Pandemic

There were 11% more anxiety-related searches than usual.

Economists Warn U.S. GDP Won’t Recover To Pre-Pandemic Levels Until 2022

A majority of economists think the next stimulus package should be $1 trillion or greater.

The path to a healthy nation starts with the you, the voter

It is hard to envision that this is an election year. With a paucity of campaign ads and the presidential nominees locked up for quite a while, I didn’t even know that the Democratic convention was going on until I saw a report about it after the…

Let kids come to the table

“No school today!” All of us can remember waking up to these words connected to whatever weather or current event thing and breathing a sigh of relief. A day without learning, without teachers nagging: a day to do whatever you wanted. What are today’s …

Massachusetts Mandates Flu Vaccinations For Students Of All Ages

Massachusetts is believed to be the first state in the U.S. to require a flu shot for children over the age of 5.