Category: Policy

COVID-19 misinformation is a public health crisis

As a medical student, I have discussed with classmates and faculty how to handle a potential patient interaction on vaccinations. Learning how to handle a patient who may be misinformed may be best through experience rather than lectures. During the CO…

COVID-19: Here’s how to gain the public’s trust

As we all grapple with what it means to live in society battling a global pandemic that is so fundamentally altering the way we interact with one another, we are faced with several questions we haven’t faced before in our lifetime: how are we goi…

An OB/GYN resident’s perspective on Black Lives Matter

As protests broke out on the streets of downtown Cleveland and the National Guard camped outside the hospital, I delivered a beautiful, Black baby boy. In some ways, that night was like any other night. Another vaginal delivery, another moment filled w…

U.S. Health Department Chief Discloses Functioning Blockchain Project To Track Covid-19

As hospitals adjust to the new Health and Human Services (HHS) platform called the Coronavirus Data Hub to report critical Covid-19 information, HHS Chief Information Officer José L. Arrieta confirmed that the agency is using blockchain technology to t…

Report: Trump To Sign Executive Orders Aimed At Lowering Prescription Drug Costs

Trump promised to tackle the problem when campaigning for the presidency back in 2016.

Report: Migrant Children Are Being Detained In Hotels Before Deportation

Children as young as one are reportedly being held in the hotels in Texas and Arizona.

Opening schools? The devil is in the details. 

Concern There is no debate on the insurmountable value of kids needing to be in schools.  CDC data shows that children account for 6% of COVID-19 cases and 0.2% of all deaths.  Yet, the system can miserably fail if bullied into opening.  Children could…

The Transmission Rate Of Covid-19 Needs To Decrease Before Schools Reopen, U.S. Surgeon General Says

The Trump administration and public health officials have continued to disagree about when and how schools should reopen.

Unethical policy: Resuming federal lethal injections during a global pandemic

The United States government has resumed capital punishment after a 17-year hiatus. Even setting aside questions of whether the death penalty is legal, ethical, or humane, the renewal of the practice of lethal injection poses some grave concerns, parti…

An Infectious Disease Doctor Explains Why The U.S. Is Failing To Control The Coronavirus Pandemic – And How That Can Be Fixed

Dr. Mark Kortepeter, whose been on the frontlines of multiple epidemics, explains both what’s going wrong with the U.S. coronavirus response and how it can get back on track.