Infectious disease expert Dr. Dave Wessner explains how infectious diseases get their names, and why using those names properly is an important aspect of fighting them.
With the news that nearly $6 million Americans have lost their employer-sponsored health due to COVID, it is finally time to ask ourselves: is the “American Model” of health care working? The “American Model” is a system of fragmentation: one in which …
Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have deleted a viral video titled “America’s Frontline Doctors” that attracted millions of views with dubious claims about hydroxychloroquine.
Five years ago, if you asked oncologists at my practice to name the list price of a given chemotherapy agent, most wouldn’t have known–unless they were executives, maybe. Pharmaceutical reps rarely talk about costs. The EMRs don’t give list price…
As a medical student, I have discussed with classmates and faculty how to handle a potential patient interaction on vaccinations. Learning how to handle a patient who may be misinformed may be best through experience rather than lectures. During the CO…
As we all grapple with what it means to live in society battling a global pandemic that is so fundamentally altering the way we interact with one another, we are faced with several questions we haven’t faced before in our lifetime: how are we goi…