Category: prices

Gaps in Data About Hospital and Health System Finances Limit Transparency for Policymakers and Patients

This brief describes gaps in data about hospital and health system finances and business practices that limit transparency for policymakers, researchers, and consumers. It examines data issues involving finances, debt collection practices, charity care…

What resources are available for privately insured patients who get surprise balance bills?

Most patients do not know about the new surprise billing protections and likely also do not know of resources available to seek recourse for incorrect medical bills. This brief provides resources to privately insured patients who receive surprise balan…

The Two Health Care Cost Crises

In this column, KFF’s President and CEO Drew Altman explores the nation’s twin health cost crises of affordability, especially for people who are sick and need a lot of health care, and national health spending, and why the solutions often work at cros…

What is the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ New AHEAD Model?

In September 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a new opportunity for states to leverage federal funding on health care: the Advancing All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development (AHEAD) model. With this model, …

What is the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ New AHEAD Model?

In September 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a new opportunity for states to leverage federal funding on health care: the Advancing All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development (AHEAD) model. With this model, …

What are the recent and forecasted trends in prescription drug spending?

This slideshow looks at past, present and future trends in prescription drug spending with a focus on the role of specialty drugs.

The 4 Arguments You Will Hear Against Drug Price Negotiation

As the Biden administration begins the process of negotiation drug prices for Medicare as authorized in the Inflation Reduction Act, KFF’s Larry Levitt probes some of the arguments against it and the policy and political implications of the debate in t…

Understanding Mergers Between Hospitals and Health Systems in Different Markets

This brief explains the role and implications of cross-market mergers between hospitals and health systems that operate in different regions and describes the approaches that government antitrust agencies have taken in reviewing these types of transact…

Understanding the Role of the FTC, DOJ, and States in Challenging Anticompetitive Practices Of Hospitals and Other Health Care Providers

This brief explains the role of federal and state antitrust agencies in challenging anticompetitive practices among hospitals and other health care providers, including the legal authority of federal and state agencies, the role that they play in enfor…

How Does Medical Inflation Compare to Inflation in the Rest of the Economy?

Prices for medical services typically rise more quickly than the broader economy, but the reverse has been true recently as general inflation rose rapidly. This analysis finds that overall prices grew by 6% in February 2023 from the previous year, whil…