Category: privacy

A Wake-Up Call On Data-Collecting Smart Beds And Sleep Apps

An array of products — from mattresses and sensors to sleep trackers and apps — are catching consumers’ attention. But privacy experts are concerned about what becomes of all the personal information these products collect.

Why Missouri’s The Last Holdout On A Statewide Rx Monitoring Program

For the seventh year in a row, Missouri will retain its lonely title as the only state without a statewide prescription drug monitoring program. Fears about privacy violations and gun control scuttled the bill yet again, leaving a pastiche of half-step measures in place to fill the void in the fight against prescription drug abuse.

Profiles For Sale: How Bits Of Captured Data Paint A Valuable Picture Of Your Health

Consumers, beware: Data brokers compile health and frailty profiles that have wide-ranging applications for drug companies, advertisers, insurers and other buyers.