Category: Private Insurance

How Does Cost Affect Access to Care?

This slideshow examines how cost and insurance affects people’s access to care, including decisions to forgo or delay needed care and access to a usual source of care. The data finds those without health insurance or in poor health are more likely to …

Some Can Get Marketplace Plans With No Premiums,Though With Higher Deductibles and Cost-Sharing

Many low-income consumers who are eligible for federal financial help under the Affordable Care Act can get a bronze-level plan and pay nothing out-of-pocket in premiums in more than 2,000 counties next year, depending on their annual income, according…

How ACA Marketplace Premiums Are Changing by County in 2019

Premiums for ACA Marketplace benchmark silver plans are decreasing on average across the U.S. in 2019. However, premium changes vary widely by location and by metal level, including premium increases in a number of counties and plans.

Explaining Health Care Reform: Questions About Health Insurance Subsidies

This brief provides an overview of the financial assistance provided under the ACA for people purchasing coverage on their own through health insurance Marketplaces (also called exchanges).

The New Health Care Agenda: Gridlock, Lots of Hearings

In an Axios column, Drew Altman analyzes what the midterm election means for the health policy agenda between now and 2020–mostly political positioning and gridlock in Congress, with most of the action affecting people in the states. 

Why Do Short-Term Health Insurance Plans Have Lower Premiums Than Plans That Comply with the ACA?

Short-term health insurance plans are able to charge premiums 54 percent lower than ACA-compliant plans, by excluding pre-existing conditions and severely limiting benefits.

Short-Term Health Insurance Plans Charge Less than Half as Much in Premiums as ACA Plans By Excluding Pre-Existing Conditions and Severely Limiting Benefits

Short-term health insurance plans offer a trade-off for consumers: substantially lower premiums than plans that comply with the Affordable Care Act, but much less protection if they get sick and need care. Just how much cheaper are the premiums and wha…

Short-Term Health Insurance Plans Charge Less than Half as Much in Premiums as ACA Plans By Excluding Pre-Existing Conditions and Severely Limiting Benefits

Short-term health insurance plans offer a trade-off for consumers: substantially lower premiums than plans that comply with the Affordable Care Act, but much less protection if they get sick and need care. Just how much cheaper are the premiums and wha…

How Repeal of the Individual Mandate and Expansion of Loosely Regulated Plans are Affecting 2019 Premiums

Read the full post on Reports on Health Insurance and Health Care Costs from the Kaiser Family Foundation

Web Briefing for Journalists: Key Issues Ahead of Marketplace Open Enrollment

Marketplace open enrollment, the period during which consumers can shop for health plans or renew existing coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplaces, begins on Nov. 1. Recent policy changes at the state and federal levels…