Category: Private Insurance

New Charts Track Growth in U.S. Health Care Prices, Draw Comparisons to Other Countries

Two new chart collections examine trends in healthcare prices and utilization and compare health spending in the United States with that of other wealthy countries.

Why are Healthcare Prices So High, and What can be Done about Them?

An archived webcast of this forum is now available at . Nearly a fifth of the United States’ economy goes to healthcare spending – a far larger share than in any other large, wealthy country in the world. Research suggests that price, rather than the volume of services, is the main driver of thisMore

Analysis: Cost of Treating Opioid Addiction Rose Rapidly for Large Employers as the Number of Prescriptions Has Declined

A new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis finds that while the use of prescription opioids among people with employer-based health coverage has declined to its lowest levels in over a decade, the cost of treating addiction and overdoses has increased sharply. The annual cost of treating opioid addiction and overdose – stemming from both prescription andMore

A Look at How the Opioid Crisis Has Affected People with Employer Coverage

This Kaiser Family Foundation analysis finds that while prescription opioid use among people with private insurance has declined to its lowest levels in over a decade, the cost of treating opioid abuse has increased substantially.

The Kaiser Initiative on Health Reform and Private Insurance

The Kaiser Initiative on Health Reform and Private Insurance <!– Copyright 2006 Bontrager Connection, LLCvar cX = 0; var cY = 0;function UpdateCursorPosition(e){ cX = e.pageX; cY = e.pageY;}function UpdateCursorPositionDocAll(e){ cX = event.c…

Rate Review: Spotlight on State Efforts to Make Health Insurance More Affordable

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act creates a new federal role to examine “unreasonable increases” in the premiums charged for certain individual and small group health plans. Under the health reform law, the U.S. Department of H…