Category: Hospitals

Why Hospitals Are Getting Into The Housing Business

Hospital systems now invest in housing to help some of their most frequent patients. This allows them to safely discharge patients who otherwise would have no place to go, freeing up beds for sicker patients and saving the hospitals money.

Trump Speech Offers Dizzying Preview Of His Health Care Campaign Strategy

The president’s outline of key health policy concerns touched on a variety of hot-button issues from drug prices to immigration.

New Round of Medicare Readmission Penalties Hits 2,583 Hospitals

Starting today, Medicare is keeping half a billion dollars in payments from 83% of general hospitals for having too many patients come back.

Her Biopsy Report Was Benign. But The Bill Is A Spot Of Contention.

After a test to rule out cancer, Brianna Snitchler faced a $2,170 facility fee for the hospital’s radiology room used that day.

As Off-Label Use Spreads, Supplies Of Niche Drugs And Patients’ Patience Grow Short

The reasons behind one particular shortage of a therapy known as IVIG are complicated, stemming from increased demand and the medication’s long production window.

Which Was Worse: The Bachelor Party Hangover Or The Hangover From The ER Bill?

One groom’s bachelor party hangover illustrates how emergency room bills have become major headaches for many Americans.

In Search Of Age-Friendly Health Care, Finding Room For Improvement

Simple alterations — like better signs, seating, parking or door design — can make it easier for older patients to navigate health care facilities. Here are several changes doctors’ offices, clinics and hospitals could make.

California Hospitals And Nursing Homes Brace For Wildfire Blackouts

Facing billions of dollars in legal claims for the role its equipment has played in a spate of deadly wildfires, California utility giant Pacific Gas & Electric plans to step up efforts to cut power to broad regions of the state during high-risk weather conditions. The potential for prolonged blackouts has prompted disaster preparations by hospitals, nursing homes and home care providers.

Hospital Giant Sutter Health Faces Legal Reckoning Over Medical Pricing

A long-awaited class-action lawsuit against Sutter is set to open this month in San Francisco Superior Court. The hospital giant stands accused of violating California’s antitrust laws by leveraging its market power to drive out competition and overcharge patients.

Analysis: How Your Beloved Hospital Helps To Drive Up Health Care Costs

It’s easy to criticize pharmaceutical and insurance companies. But we spend much more on hospitals.