Category: KevinMD

ER doctor’s adrenaline-fueled night: from life-saving procedures to unpredictable chaos

From the beginning of medical school, you are taught the rules of patient assessment; you are taught the “ABCs” – airway, breathing, and circulation. You don’t move on to B until you have established A. You don’t move on to C un…

How corporate health care is failing physicians and patients alike

A large part of patient care in the modern corporate setting is working within your restrictions. Most corporate health care settings will limit how wide your scope can be, and this often determines how you treat patients. As a family physician working…

How microplastics affect our reproductive health [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join us as we explore the world of microplastics with fertility specialist Oluyemisi (Yemi) Famuyiwa. Learn about microplastics, how they permeate our environment, and the…

Physicians’ social media criticism of trainees sparks controversy

In the past two weeks, there have been two social media posts, one from a resident physician and another from an attending physician, criticizing trainees. The resident was critical of a trainee’s inability to identify anatomical structures in th…

Physicians create their own practice misery by following groupthink

Purposeful disregard for business education tears away the only platform that guarantees the highest incomes in private medical practice. Along with the other challenges that continually reinforce physicians’ financial problems, the indoctrinatio…

When patients trust their doctors: a touching story of faith and medicine

I enter the exam room, met by a faint but lovely strawberry fragrance. Mrs. B. rests comfortably on an office chair; she always eschews the exam table. In her 80s, she is a formidable woman, heavyset, her deep brown skin somewhat pale, yet she sparkles…

Debunking schizophrenia myths [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we welcome Brooke Kempf, a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, to debunk common myths about schizophrenia and promote a more accurate understand…

Talcum powder and female cancer: Separating myths from facts

Another recent correlational study on the relationship between talcum powder (TP) and female reproductive tract cancers was published. This research originated in the 1970s when gynecologists at one hospital noted that an unusually high number of women…

How anxiety can be your biggest competitor and ally in achieving success

Did you ever have a competitor in life who challenged you in every test and every election for a leadership role? If so, today, I would like you to imagine that person and replace them with an emotion that we, as psychiatrists, frequently encounter dur…

How cultural barriers delay cancer treatment for women in Pakistan

Pakistan, classified as a lower-middle-income nation, is experiencing a massive increase in the number of cancer cases. Our health expenditure as a proportion of the gross domestic product (GDP) is worryingly small in contrast to that of more developed…