Category: KevinMD

When Dr. Pimple Popper teaches us something more

Several years ago, my daughter Emma introduced me to some videos on YouTube of a dermatologist from California who posted her sometimes shocking but always intriguing encounters with patients who suffered from a variety of dermatologic issues. Of all o…

Why is it so difficult for Americans to make doctors’ appointments?

Jill Ladkin was already having a terrible autumn. It began with a seizure that put her in the hospital with what seemed like scores of unfamiliar physicians attending to her state of health. The brain scan revealed a mass in the lining of her brain, a …

The problem of physicians and nurses connecting patients with hospital fundraisers

Many organizations solicit private donations from benefactors and philanthropists. Is there a stadium in the country that does not bear the name of a prominent donor? There are also anonymous donors who are not cursed with egos that require their names…

The problem of physicians and nurses connecting patients with hospital fundraisers

Many organizations solicit private donations from benefactors and philanthropists. Is there a stadium in the country that does not bear the name of a prominent donor? There are also anonymous donors who are not cursed with egos that require their names…

In the age of EHRs, why are we still asking patients to fill out paper forms?

From the sublime to the ridiculous. That’s sort of how my day went yesterday. It started out with an early morning meeting with a colleague who has been implementing a telehealth program at one of our institution’s practices, learning about…

The man who defecated outside the ER

“Sometimes sh*t just happens.” Just a few days ago, I finished yet another string of four hectic shifts in the ER of our incredibly busy trauma center. After saying my goodbyes to my coworkers and transferring the care of my remaining patie…

Technology is corrupting the culture of medicine

To help then-candidate Bill Clinton remain focused on the No. 1 voter issue ahead of the 1992 presidential elections, political strategist James Carville coined an unforgettable mantra, which he posted inside Clinton campaign headquarters. It read, “Th…

You’re lucky to have a medical student in the family

One of the most common experiences faced by a medical student is being asked for health care advice from a friend or family member. My initial reaction to these questions is usually something along the lines of, “Are you sure you want to be askin…

A key strategy to use for difficult conversations: Ask questions

No matter what profession you are in, having uncomfortable and difficult conversations is something you have to get used to. Tim Ferris said in his bestselling book, The 4-Hour Workweek (which I’d highly recommend), “A person’s success in life can usua…

The tension between guidelines and individualized treatment

I recently read an article in a peer-reviewed journal citing the benefits of a few eggs per week as part of a low carbohydrate dietary intervention for Type 2 diabetes.  The information was so meaningful about a controversial food source of protein tha…