Category: KevinMD

How to Marie Kondo your medical practice

Back in medical school when you chose a residency, you probably thought you had to do most everything that came with your chosen specialty. Then in residency, they for sure made you do every last part of your specialty (and more!). Now you’re out…

Why social media may be causing real emotional harm

“Mens sana, in corpore sano,” goes the old Latin saying. “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”  It’s vital that way pay proper attention not only to our physical existence but to our minds and souls; to the intangible but essentia…

6 lessons this physician learned from his father

I would like to share six lessons that I learned from my dad. Parents have a big responsibility in bringing up the next generation. Our kids learn from watching what we do more than hearing what we say. So doing what’s right pays dividends with our kid…

What should a cure for cancer look like?

Words have meaning. And when it comes to cancer, especially advanced cancer, there aren’t many words that have more meaning than the word “cure.” It is that very word and concept that is top of mind for some of us these days. We clinicians are guilty a…

Why MIPS is a useless mental exercise

Every day I receive all kinds of emails and other ads telling me about services offering me help to meet MIPS quality metrics. While they may be helpful, most doctors don’t see the need for such a program. It drives up costs in administering and time i…

4 reasons why doctors are bad with money

Whenever I tell people outside of medicine how bad doctors are with money, they are always shocked.  Almost universally, they wonder why we don’t save enough money.  They understand that – to become a doctor – you must be hardworking, intelligent, and …

Are antibiotics needed for your child with an ear infection?

The common practice in this country (although not everywhere — Europe, for example) has long been to treat all acute middle ear infections (otitis media) with antibiotics. This is not necessarily needed. We now know that for many children another…

When medical science becomes fake news

Every week there is another health pronouncement saying what is now good for you and what is going to kill you. Unfortunately, the “what” is often interchangeable — what was supposed to kill you last week is now suddenly good for you or vice vers…

MKSAP: 62-year-old woman with ovarian cancer

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 62-year-old woman is evaluated during a follow-up visit for recently diagnosed stage IIIA high-grade serous ovarian cancer. She underwent t…

Steadying patients’ fears about shaking hands

A patient walks into the doctor’s office and says: I hate feeling this way. Yes, I know it’s not cancer and it won’t kill me, but this shaking has made me a different person. I can’t sign my name. I drop and spill things all the time. I’m afraid …