Category: KevinMD

How the corporatization of medicine saved this doctor’s life

A massive smile creased my lips upward as the rumble of the moving truck pushed the miles farther behind. My dream job and life on a quiet lake lay in wait at the end of this day’s journey. Trading in urban life and working two to three weekends …

Pro tips for residency or fellowship relocation

Each spring, thousands of students and residents will relocate for their next career stages facing the same question: How am I supposed to move my stuff? The answer is varied and can be surprisingly complex. Relocation is part of any industry, but medi…

Too many “experts.” Not enough family doctors.

It’s a funny world we live in. Lots of people make a handsome living, defining their work and setting their own fees and hours with little or no formal education or certification There are personal and executive coaches, wealth advisers, marketing expe…

How to make $5 million from investing in real estate

When I first started working on this blog post, the working title was “Different Ways to Make $1 Million in Real Estate.” However, I realized that if you’re reading this, you’re likely looking for a similar type of life that I’m interested in: a life o…

White coats should no longer be worn by physicians

Did you know that the traditional doctor’s white coat that you probably associate with your physician actually was a look that doctors “borrowed” from another profession? Back in the early days of doctoring, to add some perceived legitimacy to the titl…

No doctor should have to side hustle to make a good living

I would have thought that all doctors are on the same page about being overworked and underpaid, but I was surprised to read on a recent physician forum that some doctors claim that our profession overall is compensated adequately.  Complacency tends t…

Who are the best educators for medical students?

I shared my assessment and plan with the preceptor as she walked into the room. She cut me off, “You think this patient needs surgery?” she smirked. “He has no idea what he is talking about, don’t mind him,” she whispered loudly to the patient. I kept …

Who are the best educators for medical students?

I shared my assessment and plan with the preceptor as she walked into the room. She cut me off, “You think this patient needs surgery?” she smirked. “He has no idea what he is talking about, don’t mind him,” she whispered loudly to the patient. I kept …

The importance of patient education before surgery

A guest column by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, exclusive to For years, research and common belief have supported the concept that patient education alters patient behavior and improves patient outcomes. For instance, lifestyl…

How have EMRs changed the doctor-patient relationship?

I have penned several posts on the pitfalls of the electronic medical record (EMR) system that we physicians must use.  Indeed, I challenge you to find a doctor who extols the EMR platform without qualification.  Sure, there are tremendous advantages, …