Category: KevinMD

How can data analytics to improve the care and outcomes of cancer patients?

I want to share some thoughts about artificial intelligence, or as I prefer to call it “data analytics.” Fundamentally: How can we capture the capability of analytics to improve the care and outcomes of cancer patients? And more importantly: How can we…

Why is the toilet seat the gold standard for germs?

Google that phrase, and you will come up with lots of hits. The following is a partial list of things that have been found to have more germs than a toilet seat: Kitchen cutting boards, sponges and sinks, refrigerators, spatulas, pet food bowls, clean …

The art of off-label prescribing

Some drugs are used for indications beyond their original FDA approved ones that make complete sense. I mean, if old seizure medications help nerve pain, it might be reasonable to try new ones for the same purpose if everything else fails. Sometimes th…

Before starting your own practice, do these 3 things first

If you’re a young doctor reading this, chances are you are employed by someone else. Your paycheck may come from a hospital system or a group of other doctors, but you’re not your own boss. This may be working out just fine for you: I hope …

How physician speakers are highlighting conferences in 2019 and beyond

Physician Speaking by KevinMD is the only physician-run, all-physician speaker bureau. We are practicing physicians and experienced keynote speakers, highlighting both large-scale events and intimate day-long workshops. We cover today’s topics th…

Being a doctor matters less to this physician

Something funny has happened over the last year. I used to self identify as a physician. It was a large part of who I supposed myself to be. Of course, I was more than just that. I was a spouse and father, a brother and a son, and all the various other…

The basics of the MMR vaccine from a pediatrician

As the U.S. endures its largest measles outbreak in 25 years — one that’s almost certainly going to get worse before it gets better — we’re getting a lot of calls and questions at my office. What’s measles, what’s the best way to prevent it…

After cancer treatment: It’s time to reconsider the ringing of the bell

It’s become a common practice in oncology institutions across North America: A patient completes their prescribed course of treatment and they ring a bell. Usually, it’s a large bell, like one that used to be rung in schools signaling the end of …

How our relationship with money can help or hinder physician burnout

In one of the recent physician burnout and depression surveys, doctors were asked to name the causes of their burnout.  The typical culprits were listed: lack of autonomy, EMRs, lack of support from administrators, insurance companies, lack of time wit…

The physician part-time blues

The solution to most of my work related problems was half retirement. By leaving clinical practice and taking a less arduous administrative role, I was able to divorce myself from the worst part of doctoring. Being financially independent helped, but w…