Category: KevinMD

Medicare for all and the problem of health care on demand

The evolving politics of single-payer health care conflate the concepts of universal coverage, health care on demand and free health care. To the indiscriminate progressive mind, all three are part of the holy grail. The fly in the ointment is that hig…

Have bad news for your patients? Mind your metaphors.

First, the cancer diagnosis. Then, the barrage of trite encouragements: You can beat this! Don’t give up. Keep fighting! It’s not only friends and family members who utter these clichés — usually at a loss of what else to say. Health care providers als…

Physicians are now lab rats

Pay for performance (P4P) is all the rage in health care. Big Pharma led the way, and the popular press would have you believe that one can “incentivize” physicians and their clinical colleagues with as little as a sandwich and a bag of chips. Corporat…

#MeToo: A culture change is needed in health care

This article is sponsored by Careers by The #MeToo movement exploded into the national spotlight in October 2017 with The New York Times exposé of sexual abuse allegations against Hollywood media mogul Harvey Weinstein. It has since encour…

MKSAP: 40-year-old man with a new skin rash of 10 days’ duration

Test your medicine knowledge with the MKSAP challenge, in partnership with the American College of Physicians. A 40-year-old man is evaluated for a new skin rash of 10 days’ duration. The rash appeared abruptly and is not tender or pruritic. The …

A medical student’s first code. Here’s what he learned.

Well, today it happened. I participated in my first code. We were in the telemetry unit (the room where they monitor all the patients who have EKG strips) to ask about a different patient of mine only to find that a patient was coding (lost a life-sust…

KevinMD Spring 2019 keynote appearances

I’m so honored to share my social media journey over the years, and chronicle the continual evolution of the social media-medicine intersection. It’s such a thrill to keynote three conferences this Spring: the 28th Annual Scientific & C…

Remove your blindfold to your patient’s pain

“We pass through the present with our eyes blindfolded … Only later when the cloth is untied can we glance at the past and find out what we have experienced and what meaning it has.” – Milan Kundera Two days ago, during a clinical skills session on lym…

5 ways physician recruiters can improve their relationship with doctors

A career in health care provides an incredible life full of experiences, challenges, and heartbreak, mixed with incredible satisfaction. With the rapidly shifting global economy, health professionals retain a large degree of flexibility and geographic …

Prescription for a healthy heart: pediatric-driven partnerships

For pediatric cardiologists, February, National Heart Month, is a special time. We share health tips in the hospital and talk about heart health with those looking for advice, especially with patients and families impacted by CHD. It’s also a time to l…