Category: KevinMD

Physicians have an obligation and an opportunity to reach out and speak out about guns

Many of us working in the “Gun Sense” field – that is, finding a middle ground position to advance firearm safety and reduce preventable injury in our patients – had an “a-ha” moment that led us to toil in these fields. Mine was on Nov. 2, 1981, when m…

A minor obsession with the word, “pipeline”

In family medicine, there’s a minor obsession with the word “pipeline.” The term makes me want to scream. Just think about a pipeline. The “line” part is superfluous. A pipeline is actually just a pipe. Our goal is to stuff prospective mission-driven f…

Keynote your conference with physicians who shine on stage

It’s been a great start for Physician Speaking by KevinMD, my boutique speakers bureau. Our mission is to elevate the level of physician speaking at conferences for both clinicians and non-clinicians. After all, your audience deserves the best. W…

How physicians can play the credit card reward game

We’ve all heard about credit card points and miles by now—put enough of your expenses on plastic and you’ll be flying first class airlines all the time, right? We are actually fortunate in American (sorry for those of you residing in, let’s say Japan, …

7 sources of financial anxiety for physicians

Life is full of potential worries. Personal, professional, and other stresses can make us anxious and reduce our happiness and quality-of-life. A major source of anxiety in our lives can be financial. A recent survey found that 85% of Americans are at …

Retirement from medicine is more healthy than the way this physician used to live

It must have been about a decade ago.  It was another snowy day like today.  I awoke at the break of dawn, and rushed out the door to the hospital that was several miles away.  Leaving so early in the morning, the expressways hadn’t even been plowed ye…

Is social media a friend or foe of science?

An opinion piece published in JAMA suggests the latter: “Protecting the Value of Medical Science in the Age of Social Media and ‘Fake News’” The authors argue social media poses a threat to science in several ways: Unfettered pu…

The patient-doctor relationship: Eroded by the opioid epidemic but essential to overcoming it

The opioid epidemic has swept through communities across the country, and according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse more than 115 people in the U.S. die every day after overdosing on opioids. This crisis is dominating the headlines as physician…

AEDs save lies: Why more people should know how to use them

Did you know that over 300,000 people a year visit a doctor for symptoms of anaphylaxis — yet, thankfully, between 1999-2010 only 2,458 died from anaphylaxis? Compare that with the fact that each year anywhere between 180,000 to 450,000 people in the U…

How doctors can distinguish themselves in a data-driven world

When I was in medical school, I didn’t realize the potential data would have in health care. Back then I learned from 1000+ page hardcover textbooks and handwrote notes in paper medical records. Fast forward twenty years — data and analytics are …