Category: KevinMD

The making of a bed: a timeless ritual passed through generations

Making a bed seems to be a lost art these days, an unassuming ritual. I have memories of my mother draping, folding, laying, and spreading sheets as they danced in her open-air bedroom. My grandmother passed on the technique to her. From my observation…

EHRs and physician well-being [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join Sara Pastoor, a family physician, who brings her expertise to the table as we explore the significant impact of EHRs on physicians’ well-being and the urgent ne…

A hypothetical case of medical malpractice. This can be you. 

A patient presents to the emergency room of a major local hospital with ulcers on the heels of both feet. The patient is more than 40 years old, smokes, and has hypertension but is not a diabetic. It is determined that the patient has peripheral artery…

Dismantling the mythical dichotomy of physician career options

In our journey as physicians, the traditional narrative often presents a seemingly binary decision: you must choose between seeking employment within a hospital or health care institution or venturing into the challenges of establishing a private pract…

From doctor to patient: my Sjogren’s journey and a challenge to colleagues

As physicians, we are trained to dissect symptoms and to hunt for a diagnosis. But my own journey with Sjogren’s, like my patients’, wasn’t a textbook case. It was a puzzle with pieces scattered over decades, ignored or dismissed at e…

Alzheimer’s agony: a son’s vow to never endure

An excerpt from Winter’s End: Dementia and Dying Well. Are there really fates worse than death? Like most people, Dan Winter was uncertain. That is until he visited his father at a memory care unit in Lawrence, Kansas. Dan’s father had been…

Workplace violence in health care [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Watch on YouTube. Catch up on old episodes! Join emergency physicians Resa E. Lewiss and Adaira Landry as they discuss workplace violence in health care settings. With their expertise and insights, they discuss stra…

How to escape the “rat race” in your medical career

In writing and teaching about physician careers, I’ve explored themes like job satisfaction, burnout, professional development, and well-being. A recurring phrase that arises in conversations, at conferences, and in online forums is the so-called…

Revitalize your medical practice: Embrace creativity!

“Creativity is intelligence having fun!” George Scialabba shared a variation of this quote in a 1984 Harvard Magazine article, though it is often attributed to Albert Einstein. National Creativity Day is coming up on May 30th. What does tha…

On being a doctor and an advocate

I opened my internal medicine practice almost four decades ago to serve a growing urban community. I gravitated toward the underserved geriatric population as they were vulnerable patients and eventually moved into the bygone realm of house calls for h…