Category: Aging

Massage Therapists Ease the Pain of Hospice Patients — But Aren’t Easy to Find

The pandemic disrupted the massage industry. Now those who specialize in hospice massage therapy are in demand and redefining their roles.

How to Negotiate With Resistant Aging Parents? Borrow These Tips From the Business World

Negotiation techniques can help health care providers and family caregivers find common ground with older adults who resist advice or support.

Mammograms at 40? Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines Spark Fresh Debate

There is no direct evidence that screening women in their 40s will save lives, yet modeling suggests expanding routine mammography to include them might avert 1.3 deaths per 1,000. Highlighting the risk of false positives, some specialists call for a more personalized approach.

Cardiovascular Disease Is Primed to Kill More Older Adults, Especially Blacks and Hispanics

Cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer of older Americans, with Black and Hispanic people at higher risk. Despite medical advances, researchers say, disparities are expected to worsen in the coming decades.

When Older Parents Resist Help or Advice, Use These Tips to Cope

Dealing with a stubborn or resistant older parent can be a difficult problem for adult children. Family caregivers and professionals have some hard-won lessons on how to manage these evolving relationships.

Remote Work: An Underestimated Benefit for Family Caregivers

The debate about whether employees should be required to return to the workplace has generally focused on commuting, convenience, and child care. A fourth C, caregiving, has rarely been mentioned.

A Covid Test Medicare Scam May Be a Trial Run for Further Fraud

Before the covid-19 public health emergency ended, Medicare advocates around the country noticed a rise in complaints from beneficiaries who received at-home covid tests they never requested. Bad actors may have used seniors’ Medicare information to improperly bill the federal government — and could do it again, say federal investigators.

How to Increase Your Social Network as You Age

As your circle of close friends shrinks, there are ways to rebuild — but not replace — the social network you had when you were younger.

As US Life Expectancy Falls, Experts Cite the Health Impacts of Incarceration

In a nation with one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, imprisonment speeds the aging process, research shows. Some experts complain the federal government isn’t collecting or releasing data that could identify disease patterns and prevent deaths.

The Rate of Older Californians Dying of Malnutrition Has Accelerated

Californians 85 and older are especially susceptible to malnutrition. They accounted for almost three in five malnutrition deaths in the state last year.