Category: Obesity

Skinny fat and normal weight obesity [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “Obesity is genetically common in our family. I was being gaslighted and judged by a bunch of obese people, most of whom were doing nothing to improve their health and obesity issues….

Reversing the impact of the pandemic on childhood obesity [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “With schools closed, children spent hours upon hours sitting in front of a screen for instruction and homework. Non-academic screen time increased as well, with parents needing to wo…

Tips for treating high-weight patients [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! “It might seem odd to write about what high-weight patients would like when they meet with their doctors. Don’t they want what every patient wants? The answer is yes, but the fact is,…

Our Shakespearean love affair with BMI

I’m standing outside the exam room, reviewing Marcus, my 16-year-old patient’s growth chart, specifically his BMI. It’s up again, and my heart sinks. I feel that all too common rush of frustration and disappointment and, “Why am…

A gastric bypass might help some people bypass cancer

In an exciting recent study, researchers found that for adults with obesity, weight loss through bariatric surgery lowered their risk of cancer by 35% and reduced their risk of cancer-related death by 43%. This was true of both gastric bypass and gastr…

Don’t give up on intermittent fasting just yet [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. “So don’t give up your eating window just yet! The good question I am hoping researchers will answer next: who loses the most weight? Is it the human who eats three meals and no snacks that include protein, fi…

My journey being gaslighted about obesity, skinny fat, and body type

When I was eight years old, I was a star soccer player on a state championship team. During shirts-off practice and while down at the local pool, I noticed how different my body was compared to my peers. After I referenced my scientifically approved hu…

Fat acceptance is a human acceptance movement

The recent article by Danielle Crittenden, “The Danger of Fat Acceptance: The Average American Woman Is Now a Size 18” is more of the same perpetuation of our society’s deeply internalized diet culture, weight blaming, and shaming of …

Confronting weight bias in health care

One day, working as a floater PT, I walked into the rehab gym, and every single therapist looked at me with the same pitying expression. The rehab manager took me into her office. “I’m so sorry to put you in this position. One of your new p…

New Weight Loss Treatment Is Marked by Heavy Marketing and Modest Results

Approved as a device, not a drug, Plenity contains a plant-based gel that swells to fill 25% of a person’s stomach, to help people eat less. Results vary widely but are modest on average.