Category: Public Health

Covid Politics and Fatigue Work Against Contact-Tracing Foot Soldiers

Local health officials find themselves once again behind the covid curve as the delta variant drives their case counts. With resources already stretched, along with the politicization of covid-19, county and state health departments in places like Missouri and Texas are making tough calls on whom to trace.

To Stoke Rural Vaccination Rates, Trusted Farmers Are Asked to Spread Word

Rural health experts are calling on trusted agricultural leaders — like farmers and ranchers — to use their understanding of science and nudge vaccine-hesitant neighbors to roll up their sleeves for a covid shot. But some farmers say they doubt they can change anyone’s mind.

Waning immunity amid delta surge may be fueling breakthrough cases

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review – Healthcare News

Where cases are leveling off, dropping & rising: 8 US COVID-19 trends

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review – Healthcare News

Rush to Boosters Sparks Confusion, Differing Recommendations

With political pressure mounting to recommend boosters, what are the experts saying about how current vaccines work and the potential benefits of another dose?

Federal Vaccine Program Hasn’t Helped Those Whose Lives Were Altered by Covid Shot

A national vaccine court has paid out billions to families who could prove their kids were injured by vaccines. But there’s only a skeletal program for the rare victims of covid vaccination, raising concerns as the pressure for mandated shots grows.

Science Shows Mask-Wearing Is Largely Safe for Children

Scientists have found little evidence that the kind of masks worn by students negatively affect oxygen or carbon dioxide levels.

Breakthrough COVID-19 cases still rare amid delta surge: 4 takeaways

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review – Healthcare News

‘Tainted’ Blood: Covid Skeptics Request Blood Transfusions From Unvaccinated Donors

In another twist on covid vaccine hesitancy, blood centers say they are starting to hear from transfusion patients demanding blood from unvaccinated donors. Experts say the option is neither practical nor medically justifiable.

Have Vaccines, Will Travel: On the Road With a Covid Entrepreneur

While many businesses scaled back at the height of the pandemic, one Montana man used covid-19 to open his own mobile pharmacy. He’s now bringing covid shots to Montana’s vaccine deserts while filling his wallet. But he cannot fill all the vaccination gaps.