Category: Public Health

Congress Approves Boost In Food Aid For Seniors But Funding Falls Short Of Growing Need

Congress passed legislation Wednesday reauthorizing the Older Americans Act, which provides for home-delivered and group meals. Although proposed funding increases are substantial, they still don’t keep up with the nation’s growing senior population.

The Startling Inequality Gap That Emerges After Age 65

The good news: Life expectancy for people who make it to 65 has increased. Yet, coastal and urban people fare better than those in rural and middle America.

Tampons, Pads And Politics Mesh In New Push For Access To Menstrual Supplies

As a national movement for better access to menstrual products gains steam, “period equity” activists in Colorado are finding the path to change isn’t straight. Although Denver last summer repealed sales taxes on menstrual products and the state now requires supplies to be provided in prisons, an effort to repeal the statewide sales tax on the products failed. So, activists assemble supply kits to donate to those who need them.

Coronavirus Is Keeping Me Home From Work. Will I Get Paid?

If you are sick from the coronavirus outbreak or sent home, your financial protections may vary depending on what state you live in.

Coronavirus Is Keeping Me Home From Work. Will I Get Paid?

If you are sick from the coronavirus outbreak or sent home, your financial protections may vary depending on what state you live in.

In Texas, white, college-educated people more likely to opt out of vaccinating their kids

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Kaiser Permanente donates $1M to bolster coronavirus response

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WHO: Coronavirus outbreak is a pandemic

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Looming lab supply shortage could set back COVID-19 testing as US cases surpass 1,000

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How To Avoid Coronavirus? Lessons From People Whose Lives Depend On It

As the new coronavirus continues its spread through the U.S., the general public can look for guidance from millions of Americans with weakened immune systems who long ago adopted the rules of infection control that officials tout to avoid contagion.