Category: Racial Equity and Health Policy

A Look at Federal Health Data Taken Offline

This post looks at federal government databases with key health data that went offline on Jan. 31, 2025, including several related to HIV, some of which had returned by Feb. 2, 2025. It briefly describing the affected databases, which include widely us…

How Does the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Impact Health and Health Care?

This policy watch provides a short overview of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), describing its history, budget, organizational structure and its major programs and responsibilities.

Key Facts on Health Care Use and Costs Among Immigrants

This issue brief draws from the KFF/LA Times Survey of Immigrants and other KFF analyses to highlight immigrants’ health care eligibility, healthcare use and costs, as well as their contributions to the economy and workforce.

Compare Trump and Harris Health Care Records and Positions

The side-by-side comparison tool provides a quick overview of former President Trump’s and Vice President Harris’ records, positions, public statements, and proposed policies on a range of key health care topics.

Compare the Candidates on Health Care Policy

The side-by-side comparison tool provides a quick overview of former President Trump’s and Vice President Harris’ records, positions, public statements, and proposed policies on a range of key health care topics.

Compare the Presidential Candidates’ Health Care Records and Positions

The side-by-side comparison tool provides a quick overview of former President Trump’s and President Biden’s records, positions, public statements, and proposed policies on a range of key health care topics.

How Do Health Expenditures Vary Across the Population?

This slideshow explores the variation in health spending across the population through an analysis of the 2019 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data. It finds that 5% of the population with the highest health expenditures accounted for nearly ha…

Year in Review: 10 Health Policy Issues for 2023

This fact sheet offers a look back at 10 issues that KFF tracked closely during 2023 in its polling, policy analysis and journalism, including summaries of major findings and news stories.

Year in Review: 10 Health Policy Issues for 2023

This fact sheet offers a look back at 10 issues that KFF tracked closely during 2023 in its polling, policy analysis and journalism, including summaries of major findings and news stories.

Americans’ Challenges with Health Care Costs

This data note reviews our recent polling data that finds that Americans struggle to afford many aspects of health care, including disproportionate shares of uninsured adults, Black and Hispanic adults and those with lower incomes.