Category: states

How Climate Change Is Putting Doctors In The Hot Seat

Health care providers are seeing the effects of climate change in hospitals across the U.S. ― and urging their peers to take action.

California Shies Away From Calls To Eliminate Restrictions On Nurse Practitioners

Many states are dramatically loosening regulations on nurse practitioners as the coronavirus pandemic increases demand for health care workers. But not California.

‘It’s Not Over Until It’s Over’: 5 Things To Know About Hitting The COVID-19 Peak

President Donald Trump says the country has seen a peak in new cases, but that doesn’t mean the end of the pandemic, experts say. Buckle in — we could be social distancing into 2022.

As Ventilators Become Crucial In Saving Lives, Repair Roadblocks Remain

With hospitals struggling to get more ventilators, they must ensure every ventilator they have is ready for service. But manufacturers limit who can repair them.

The COVID-19 Bailout That’s Left Every Hospital Unhappy In Its Own Way

Despite intense lobbying for a piece of the $100 billion bailout pot, big New York hospitals and rural systems alike say they aren’t getting a fair share.

With Federal Nod, Consumers Could Lose The Boost They Get From Drug ‘Coupons’

The proposal being weighed by federal officials would allow employers and insurers to decide that drug companies’ assistance doesn’t count toward their members’ deductible or out-of-pocket maximum spending limits. If plans opted for that approach, only payments made by patients themselves would be included in the calculation toward reaching those limits.

Jails And Prisons Spring Thousands To Prevent Coronavirus Outbreaks

As wardens across the country grapple with COVID-19 outbreaks, inmates are being released to prevent widespread contagion in overcrowded prisons.

‘I Wasn’t Eating’: Senior Twin Sisters Battle Pandemic Anxiety Together

Twins Edna Mayes and Ethel Sylvester, 92, are relying on each other through the pandemic, in which one of the hidden dangers is to their mental health.

Massachusetts Recruits 1,000 ‘Contact Tracers’ To Battle COVID-19

“I know we will succeed somewhat and we will fail somewhat,” says one of the plan’s chief architects. “We won’t be able to find every single person — but we will hopefully prevent a lot of deaths.”

Pediatric Practices Struggle To Adapt And Survive Amid COVID-19

Across the U.S., pediatric practices that provide front-line care for the nation’s children are struggling to adjust to crashing revenues, terrified parents and a shortage of protective equipment — and all while being asked to care for young patients who could well be vectors for transmission without showing symptoms.