Joshua Liao, Contributor

Author's posts

Fixing This Cognitive Bias Can Improve How We Treat Each Other During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Dr. Joshua Liao explains how to overcome attribution bias, which can lead to aggression and other harmful behaviors (road rage, anyone?)

The Case For Tracing Covid-19 Social Networks, Not Just Contacts

Dr. Joshua Liao explains how to harness the power of social networks to target Covid-19 misinformation alongside other public health measures.

Here’s How Behavioural Science Can Help Curb Skyrocketing Coronavirus Cases

Dr. Joshua Liao explains how public health officials can harness behavioral science to decrease the rising rate of Covid-19 transmission.

How Framing Coronavirus Risks Impacts A State’s Willingness To Reopen Its Economy

Dr. Joshua Liao explains why it is important for citizens to pay attention to how leaders frame reopening plans because willingness to take risks can depend on how it is being framed.

Psychology – Not Science Or Politics – Will Determine A Successful Reopening For America

Dr. Joshua Liao explains that under the pressure of time and uncertainty, people rarely act purely based on logic. Instead, humans tend to make choices in these situations using a set of mental shortcuts