Category: Dining

Avocado Eating Linked To 16%-22% Lower Risk Of Heart Disease

The study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) found that people who had eaten at least two servings of avocados per week had a 16% lower likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease and a 21% lower likelihood of develop…

These 3 Ways Of Outdoor Dining May Be Coming To A Street Near You

As colder weather creeps in and the COVID-19 pandemic intensifies across much of North America, restaurateurs are using a variety of methods and ideas to transform the dining experience into a safer one for customers.

New COVID-19 Exposure Notification App Launches In Ontario While Restaurants Re-Open For Indoor Dining

Such measures may become necessary, depending on how well the relaxing of the pandemic lockdown — in place in Ontario since mid-March — fare as restaurants, movie theatres, bars and other public spaces re-open for indoor use today.

Here’s How Behavioural Science Can Help Curb Skyrocketing Coronavirus Cases

Dr. Joshua Liao explains how public health officials can harness behavioral science to decrease the rising rate of Covid-19 transmission.

How Framing Coronavirus Risks Impacts A State’s Willingness To Reopen Its Economy

Dr. Joshua Liao explains why it is important for citizens to pay attention to how leaders frame reopening plans because willingness to take risks can depend on how it is being framed.

Cuomo Warns Of ‘Consequences’ After Videos Emerge Of Maskless New Yorkers Drinking In The Streets

“I am warning today, in a nice way, the consequences of your actions.”

Psychology – Not Science Or Politics – Will Determine A Successful Reopening For America

Dr. Joshua Liao explains that under the pressure of time and uncertainty, people rarely act purely based on logic. Instead, humans tend to make choices in these situations using a set of mental shortcuts

Domino’s And Papa John’s Shares Are Soaring Thanks To Booming Pizza Sales

Pizza chains have seen sales jump amid the pandemic.

Report: Trump Administration Rejected CDC Guide For Reopening Restaurants, Public Places

The 17-page guide would “never see the light of day,” according to an unnamed CDC official.