Category: Conditions

The Delta variant Is a monster and our last weapon is the unvaccinated

Oh, how the tide has turned. Three months ago, COVID was ravaging my homeland, India. The Delta variant was burning through the country like an uncontrolled wildfire. People carted dying relatives town to town, desperately seeking hospital beds or a wh…

Debunking common virtual therapy myths and 4 tips for new patients

The COVID-19 pandemic spurred an avalanche of mental health issues that have continued to plague the general public over the last 18 months – with the full impact from lingering quarantines, prolonged social distancing, and now the fear over the unknow…

Pregnancy and the COVID vaccine: What expecting mothers should know

“Is it safe for a pregnant woman to receive the COVID-19 vaccine?” This is the biggest question being asked of OB/GYNs right now. The short answer is “yes.” The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal and Fetal …

I’m vaccinated and positive for COVID-19

I just tested positive for COVID-19. I was vaccinated earlier this year. I am scared. I am confident I will get through this. I received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine earlier this year, and I just tested positive for COVID-19. It’s almost comical tha…

4 ways to support someone living with alcohol or substance use disorder

The pandemic has made the difficult work of recovering from alcohol or substance use disorder even harder. To deal with the heightened anxiety, depression, and stress caused by the pandemic, more people have turned to alcohol and substances. In additio…

Delta surge warning: Ignoring jaw pain comes at too high a price

As surges of the Delta variant alarm officials and citizens in this country and around the world, while the cases of COVID-19 have reached more than 200 million worldwide, a less visible threat re-emerges. If health care professionals are not allowed t…

A physician’s COVID message to patients

I know there’s a lot of information out there about the COVID-19 vaccine. You have probably read many different things about the vaccine from friends and family members, in the news, and social media. There is so much conflicting information that…

I am no longer terrified of COVID

I am no longer terrified of COVID. I’ve seen its death. I’ve seen it take the breath from someone’s lungs. I’ve watched it shut down kidneys. I’ve walked the halls of an ICU with pumps outside the room, and patients turned upside down. I’ve heard the c…

The political backlash to evidence-based doctors’ recommendations

Last week, someone referred to me online in the most shocking terms: a liberal. As I read the phrase, I gripped the pearls around my neck and coughed down my scalding afternoon tea. How could this have happened to me? With all its newsworthiness to the…

Think of the vaccines like an umbrella, and it’s raining outside

If you are confused about delta and how well the vaccines protect against infection right now, I don’t blame you: We are learning and updating data in real-time, and it is hard to keep track of it all. So maybe this analogy will help. Think of th…