Category: Cost and Quality

Air Ambulance Costs Fly Around Fixes For Surprise Medical Bills

The median cost of an air ambulance bill is more than $36,000 and seldom covered by insurance, sparking many consumer complaints. Yet none of the proposals introduced or circulating in Congress to fix surprise medical bills address these services.

‘An Arm And A Leg’: Forget The Shakedown. To Get Paid, Hospitals Get Creative.

An unexpected hospital bill can bust the family budget. That leaves lots of people with bills they can’t pay. Turns out, that’s a crisis for hospitals too, and some are getting creative about collecting debt.

Social Security Error Jeopardizes Medicare Coverage For 250,000 Seniors

The problem affects private drug policies and Medicare Advantage plans that provide both medical and drug coverage and substitute for traditional government-run Medicare. It could leave plan members without coverage.

Dropped From Health Insurance Without Warning: Was It Legal?

People who buy insurance on their own may have little notice when something goes amiss. It’s a quirk in health policy at the heart of the next episode of ‘An Arm and a Leg’ podcast.

The Unexpected Perk Of My Group Pregnancy Care: New Friends

Group prenatal visits are catching on — they save money and reduce the risk of premature births. It turned out to be the best decision one couple made during their pregnancy.

The Unexpected Perk Of My Group Pregnancy Care: New Friends

Group prenatal visits are catching on — they save money and reduce the risk of premature births. It turned out to be the best decision one couple made during their pregnancy.

Not Funny: Midwife Slapped With $4,836 Bill For Laughing Gas During Her Labor

As nitrous oxide makes a comeback for pain relief during childbirth, one medical professional fights back over an overblown charge for using it.

Lawmakers Push To Stop Surprise ER Billing

Millions of Californians are vulnerable to hefty surprise medical bills from their trips to the emergency room. Now, state lawmakers are considering a measure to cap how much out-of-network hospitals can charge privately insured patients for emergency care, which could serve as a model for other states.

UCSF Medical Center Backs Off Plan To Deepen Ties With Dignity Health

The University of California’s flagship San Francisco hospital system cut off negotiations with the Catholic-run health care system in the face of heated opposition from UCSF faculty and staff.

A Final Comfort: ‘Palliative Transport’ Brings Dying Children Home

In a rare but growing practice, some hospitals offer parents the choice to transport their dying children out of the intensive care unit, with life support in tow, so that they can die at home.