Category: Health Reform

New Rule Proposes Changes to ACA Coverage of Gender-Affirming Care, Potentially Increasing Costs for Consumers

This brief examines a proposed rule that seeks to change how ACA plans would cover gender affirming care services. If finalized the rule could lead insurers to drop coverage or shift costs to individuals and states, making access to gender affirming ca…

Challenges with Effective Price Transparency Analyses

Promoting price transparency in health care is a policy approach with bi-partisan support in Congress and the public at large. This analysis examines the vast troves of price transparency data that payers are required and finds unlikely prices, inconsi…

Congressional District Interactive Map: How Much Will ACA Premium Payments Rise if Enhanced Subsidies Expire?

This analysis and interactive map illustrate how much more enrollees in Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace plans would pay in premiums at the congressional district level if the enhanced subsidies were to expire in 2026 as under current law. The too…

How Does the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Impact Health and Health Care?

This policy watch provides a short overview of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), describing its history, budget, organizational structure and its major programs and responsibilities.

KFF Health Tracking Poll: Public Weighs Health Care Spending and Other Priorities for Incoming Administration

With the incoming Trump administration and Republican-led Congress looking to ways to reduce federal spending, this Poll finds that the Medicare and Medicaid programs remain broadly popular, and more people favor more spending on those programs than le…

How Much More Would People Pay in Premiums if the ACA’s Enhanced Subsidies Expired?

Enhanced Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies lower premium payments for ACA Marketplace coverage by boosting existing ACA subsidies and making some people newly eligible. Enrollees across incomes benefit from these subsidies. For example, low-income en…

Ten Things to Watch for 2025 ACA Open Enrollment

This blog post details ten things to know about the 2025 open enrollment period.

2024 Calculadora del Mercado de Seguros Médicos

2024 Esta calculadora ilustra las primas (el costo mensual de su seguro) y subsidios para las personas que compran seguro médico por su propia cuenta en el nuevo mercado de seguros de salud (o de intercambio) creado por la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Baj…

2024 Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator

The Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator, updated with 2025 premium data, provides estimates of health insurance premiums and subsidies for people purchasing insurance on their own in health insurance exchanges (or “Marketplaces”) created by the Af…

Gaps in Awareness of Insurance Requirements to Cover Preventive Services Among Women

KFF’s 2024 Women’s Health Survey finds that women aren’t fully aware that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance plans to cover the full cost of recommended preventive health care services – especially contraception.