Category: healthcare

Is A Universal Influenza Vaccine— One Shot For All Strains— On The Horizon?

Flu vaccines need to be readministered every year to keep pace with viral mutations. “Universal vaccines” could change this. Here, we describe a recent success in the development of a universal influenza A vaccine.

Why The New Covid-19 Booster Vaccines Are Safe

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new vaccine booster that protects against the latest variant of Covid-19, BA.5. It came out very quickly, which has some people asking if it’s safe. It is, and here’s why.

Mark Cuban Considering Leaving Shark Tank As He Bets His Legacy On Low-Cost Drugs

Blockchain, basketball, Mark Cuban has never lost his passion for disruption. Now the billionaire entrepreneur has an ambitious plan to take on Big Pharma and lower the cost of prescription drugs once and for all. And, after 13 seasons, …

The Middleman Mentality Is Killing American Medicine

As patients have become more reliant on middlemen and their services, American healthcare has developed what Dr. Robert Pearl calls the ‘middleman mindset.’

Northern Europe: Covid-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Rising Again Raising Concerns Of New Wave

Will the U.S. soon see similar rises?

AI In Healthcare Still Has A Long Journey Ahead

For many years, artificial intelligence (AI) technology has pledged the promise of vastly improving the healthcare industry.

Pharmacy Care, Life, And Women In Healthcare: A Chat With Snezana Mahon At Transcarent

Just because you have an insurance card does not mean you have access to care, and it does not mean you have access to high quality care.

Transformation Requires That You Stay True To And Evolve Who You Are

City of Hope National Medical Center carries a 109-year-old legacy as one of the world’s leading cancer care institutions whose relentless strategic focus can teach us all invaluable lessons about leadership, belief in the mission, and scaling purpose.

White House Announces $1.5 Billion For Worsening Opioid Crisis

The funding is intended to support law enforcement agencies working to tackle the crisis and will boost access to support services and anti-overdose medications like naloxone.

Hong Kong Ditches Strict Covid Quarantine For Travelers After More Than Two Years

Hong Kong’s strict pandemic policies, which have been in place for more than two years, triggered an exodus of people and business and threatened the city’s status as a global financial hub.