Category: Kaiser Health News

People Proving to Be Weakest Link for Apps Tracking COVID Exposure

Contact tracers in many states are stretched thin. Colorado is among the latest states to launch an app that aims to help, based on the COVID contact-tracing tool built by Apple and Google. But there’s a chicken-and-egg problem: More people will use them if they prove to work, but the apps become effective only if more people use them.

Surprise Federal Drug Rule Directs Insurers to Reveal What They Pay for Prescription Drugs

A provision the Trump administration tucked into its final rule on health plan price transparency requires telling consumers what they will pay out-of-pocket for drugs and showing them what the plan paid.

States’ Face-Covering Mandates Leave Gaps in Protection

States vary in how they define face coverings in their mandates. But a bandanna or neck gaiter isn’t nearly as effective as a surgical or cloth mask. Public health experts say every state needs more standardization to protect against COVID-19.

Government-Funded Scientists Laid the Groundwork for Billion-Dollar Vaccines

Drugmakers will walk away with massive profits, but much of the pioneering work on mRNA vaccines was done with government money.

As Broad Shutdowns Return, Weary Californians Ask ‘Is This the Best We Can Do?’

California’s ping-ponging approach to managing the pandemic — twice reopening large portions of the service sector economy only to shut them again — has residents and business owners on edge. But experts say the push and pull on businesses may be what success looks like in much of the U.S. for months to come, given COVID-19’s pervasive spread.

Anger After North Dakota Governor Asks COVID-Positive Health Staff to Stay on Job

Doctors and nurses say order puts lives in danger, amid a COVID surge and a statewide shortage of health care workers.

Red States’ Case Against ACA Hinges on Whether They Were Actually Harmed by the Law

The Republican-led states are trying to prove they were harmed by the 2010 health law — and thus have “legal standing” — because their Medicaid costs increased, even though Congress eliminated the penalty for not having health coverage in 2019. At least one justice was skeptical.

Homeless Shelters Grapple With COVID Safety as Cold Creeps In

During the pandemic, shelters are having to change the way they do things to prevent the virus from spreading among the vulnerable homeless population. Now, as winter weather moves in, there’s less room at the shelters for those in need — threatening to leave many, literally, out in the cold.

Long-Term Care Workers, Grieving and Under Siege, Brace for COVID’s Next Round

As the coronavirus surges around the country, workers in nursing homes and assisted living centers are watching cases rise in long-term care facilities with a sense of dread. Many of these workers struggle with grief over the suffering they’ve witnessed.

‘An Arm and a Leg’: For Your Next Health Insurance Fight, an Exercise in Financial Self-Defense

Veteran self-defense teacher Lauren Taylor shares some of her top strategies and how she used them this year in her health insurance fight.