Category: Kaiser Health News

Hospital Group Mum As Members Pursue Patients With Lawsuits And Debt Collectors

The influential trade association has said little over the years as health systems, including those of its own trustees, seized patients’ incomes and assets. Now it is reevaluating.

Hospital Group Mum As Members Pursue Patients With Lawsuits And Debt Collectors

The influential trade association has said little over the years as health systems, including those of its own trustees, seized patients’ incomes and assets. Now it is reevaluating.

‘An Arm And A Leg’: Tradition Grows Into $1 Million Gift For People In Medical Debt

Every year — for decades — the Buehler family and friends have organized a softball tournament in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area to raise money for someone with big medical expenses. In 2019, the group helped forgive $1 million in medical debt.

‘An Arm And A Leg’: Tradition Grows Into $1 Million Gift For People In Medical Debt

Every year — for decades — the Buehler family and friends have organized a softball tournament in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area to raise money for someone with big medical expenses. In 2019, the group helped forgive $1 million in medical debt.

Coping With Loss Of Hospital, Rural Town Realizes: We Don’t Need A Hospital

It’s been about a year since the hospital in Fort Scott, Kan., closed. The lessons for this community about meeting its residents’ health needs could provide insights for the rest of the country.

Reports Of Patients’ Deaths Linked To Heart Devices Lurk Below Radar

Because of a little-known federal exemption program, death data about heart devices sits in inaccessible FDA files that can take up to two years for the public to see under open-records laws.

Electronic Health Records Creating A ‘New Era’ Of Health Care Fraud, Officials Say

The federal government funneled billions in subsidies to software vendors and some overstated or deceived the government about what their products could do, according to whistleblowers.

Texas Law Highlights Dilemma Over Care For Patients With No Hope Of Survival

The Texas Advance Directives Act gives hospitals the authority to stop life-sustaining support if another hospital won’t accept the patient. The family of Tinslee Lewis, a 10-month-old with serious medical problems, is fighting to keep her in hospital care.

Paying It Forward: ‘Bill Of The Month’ Series, A Vital Toolkit For Patients, Wraps Year 2

In our ongoing, crowdsourced investigation with NPR and CBS, we’ve armed future health system pilgrims with the tools they need to avoid exorbitant medical bills and fight back against unfair charges. Here’s a look back at 2019’s stories.

Government-Funded Day Care Helps Keep Seniors Out Of Nursing Homes And Hospitals

The aptly named Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly provides services funded by Medicaid and Medicare that range from medical and mental health care to hot lunches, recreation, transportation and haircuts. California’s newest PACE center opened recently in San Diego County.