Humana’s Partners in Primary Care unit will open 20 new senior-focused primary care centers over the next year in two new markets plus a major expansion in Houston.
Dr. Barry Bloom, who has fought infectious diseases around the world, discusses the impacts – both direct and indirect – that the Covid-19 pandemic will have on children around the world if timely interventions aren’t made.
I am not a black mother. I am white. I am a mother. I am also a pediatrician. Every day I work with mothers and their babies—black, brown, and white, as a newborn hospitalist on a busy, urban maternity unit. I know firsthand that the postpartum period …
A proposal by Democrat Joe Biden to allow Americans between the ages of 60 and 64 the option of buying into Medicare is gaining more attention as more people lose employer-sponsored health coverage in the era of the coronavirus strain Covid-19.
Over the past two months, health professionals and community advocates have brought to the fore of national attention what has been the lived experience of many within black and brown communities for ages — racism kills. The substrate of structural rac…
Dr. Joshua Liao explains that under the pressure of time and uncertainty, people rarely act purely based on logic. Instead, humans tend to make choices in these situations using a set of mental shortcuts
A deadly disease caused paralysis in decision-making at the top and misinformation to spread on social media – in a simulated epidemic from September 2019 that can provide lessons for today.
The United States has some of the most advanced medical technology in the world, yet COVID-19 has exposed significant deficiencies in our health care system. As nothing will be the same after coronavirus, our health care system must also change as we m…