Category: Policy

Omicron And Our Economic Forecast: What’s Next For Fiscal And Monetary Policy?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impact on our domestic economy. It comes as no surprise that the ongoing pandemic will continue to influence our economic policies for years to come. The challenge lies, however, in predicting what this will lo…

The social imperative of health

As a nation, we have committed to a social imperative for education — an aspirational vision, based on its broad social benefit, for universal literacy and numeracy of our citizens — as manifested in our systems of mandatory K-12 education. While…

Why travel bans in response to Omicron are harmful

In late November, the state of the COVID-19 pandemic shifted once more when South African scientists reported the discovery of a new SARS-CoV-2 variant named Omicron. When panic surrounding Omicron’s emergence set in, numerous countries instituted trav…

Remembering Larry King: Master Of The Wise Interview, Who Cared To Listen

A year after his passing, I reflect on my time with Larry King and his dedication to allowing important but overlooked stories be told. Larry’s voice and interviewing prowess were staples for many years. He is greatly missed.

Remembering Larry King: Master Of The Wise Interview, Who Cared To Listen

A year after his passing, I reflect on my time with Larry King and his dedication to allowing important but overlooked stories be told. Larry’s voice and interviewing prowess were staples for many years. He is greatly missed.

The real value of high-value care

When newly admitted medical students enroll in their respective programs, they participate in the cherished White Coat Ceremony, in which they eagerly vow to stop at nothing to help patients—to go above and beyond to provide the highest quality care to…

What Should We Make Of High Obamacare Enrollment Figures?

If Obamacare’s exchanges were working well, Democrats wouldn’t have to pay people more and more to sign up. Worse, by using taxpayer dollars to entice more people – including those with higher incomes – to the exchanges, Democrats are taking one more s…

This physician is running for U.S. Senate. Here is his health plan outline.

Martin Luther King once said, “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” Sadly, this remains true today. Instead of simply providing the care one needs, access to care varies based on wealt…

Legal challenge from Disability Rights Texas may have repercussions in schools across the country

Parents of disabled children together with Disability Rights Texas won a ruling in November that could have ramifications well beyond the state of Texas. In July, Texas Governor Abbot issued an executive order, GA-38, that prohibited schools from insti…

What To Know About Biden’s Vaccine Mandates After Supreme Court Blocked Private Employer Rule

Vaccine mandates for healthcare workers and federal employees are taking effect, but court rulings have blocked policies for private employers and federal contractors—at least for now.