This slideshow explores prescription drug spending for people who are covered by large employer health plans.
Category: Private Insurance
New KFF Resource Tracks Proposed 2019 Marketplace Premiums By State
The Kaiser Family Foundation today launched a tracker to monitor preliminary 2019 premiums in the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces as insurers file rate information with state regulators. Beginning with data from eight states (Maine, Maryland, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington) plus the District of Columbia, the tracker shows preliminary premium information in nine…More
Analysis: Individual Market Insurers Experienced Their Best Financial Year under the ACA in 2017, Though Subsequent Political and Policy Changes Complicate the Outlook for Future Years
Insurers in 2017 had their best financial year selling individual market health insurance since the Affordable Care Act began requiring guaranteed access to coverage for people with pre-existing conditions in 2014, though recent political and policy changes create new challenges for insurers trying to succeed in this market, new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis finds. This…More
Why are Healthcare Prices So High, and What can be Done about Them?
An archived webcast of this forum is now available at . Nearly a fifth of the United States’ economy goes to healthcare spending – a far larger share than in any other large, wealthy country in the world. Research suggests that price, rather than the volume of services, is the main driver of this…More